Register for our Engaging Networks webinar!

As our valued clients look at 2023 and 2024 and consider options for online forms, portals, and top-notch email/marketing tools, we are offering you the opportunity to learn what many nonprofits are utilizing. Join this live conversation on June 28th at 11 am PT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET with technology experts to guide you through making the change. In this session, you will learn about Engaging Networks’:

  • Mobile First, Gorgeous Pages: Engaging Networks’ Page Builder tools give you the ease of drag-and-drop to craft the exact look, feel, and donor experience you want without knowledge of HTML. This includes easily creating a 1, 2, 3, or 4 page workflow for your form based on your preferences – and with built-intesting tools.
  • Email Marketing: A side-by-side viewer shows you the email you’re building, AS YOU BUILD IT! From conditional content to advanced testing and tracking, you’ll be able to target supporters with just the right message to raise more money.
  • Marketing Automation: The visual journey building tools let you craft welcome series, upsell journeys, lapsed donor journeys and more that respond to donor preferences and behavior to cultivate them through more personalization and automation.

Join Julie Gibson, President of SJC, and Eric Rubin, Storyteller in Chief, as we demonstrate Engaging Networks’ digital platform for Email, Marketing Automation, Donations, Events, P2P, Advocacy and more.

*Note: This session will not include CRM changes. EN is for online forms, portals, and email marketing.

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